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Thursday, 31 October 2013

JSF Primefaces Fileupload runtime dependency error

There are times when you create a Primefaces Java project on netbeans and upon first build you are greeted with an error whose stack trace indicates a missing runtime dependency. The error is, as snapped below, related to the Primefaces Fileupload widget component not having access to a class input on the classpath of your project.
The error is summarised as : Cause: Class 'org.primefaces.component.fileupload.FileUploadRenderer' is missing a runtime dependency.

click on snapshot to enlarge 

The primefaces widget has been designed by PrimeTechnology to depend on the Apache Commons classes which can be obtained from the Apache Commons download page as an archive.

Extract and drop the commons-fileupload-1.3.jar file in your project library folder or along your project classpath and recompile project.

In netbeans IDE, just add the jar file to the library of your project as shown below.

Now rebuild your project and EUREKA.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Movement of an SQL Server Temp Database

The tempdb, being a system database, is used by SQLServer to store internal objects such as the intermediate results of a query. The data pages of the tempdb are moved to and fro disk to as its being accessed by SQLServer hence should be placed on a drive which yields a good I/O speed.
As a system database, any activity to be carried out must be a Microsoft-recommended
technical line of action - detailed below.

Reason: Usually, the biggest reason that triggers the need for the movement of the tempdb is issue of limited disk space which in the short term can be fixed by performing a restart of the database instance to reclaim temp space. 

The tempdb size grows with verbose resultsets queried from the database.It also increases when sorting is carried on a user database and also when there are open transactions. Running the health-check operation DBCC Checkdb can also balloon the tempdb when it runs too long. 

1. The new location should be accessible i.e. writable.
2. The windows/SQLServer profile should have the privilege to update database file attributes.
3. The database should be running in a full and good health

1.   Determine the logical file names(data and log file) of the tempdb database and their current location on the disk.Find below the sql script and the logical names of the data and log files

SELECT name, physical_name AS   Current_Location FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID(N'tempdb');

2.  Modify the location of each file (data and log files) by using ALTER DATABASE command on the master database.

USE master;

MODIFY FILE (NAME = tempdev, FILENAME = 'E:\users\annang\db_bag\tempdb.mdf');
MODIFY FILE (NAME = templog, FILENAME = 'E:\users\annang\db_bag\templog.ldf');


3. Now, perform the activities below:
    a.      Move the physical data and log files to new location.

    b.      Stop and start the instance of SQLServer.

    c.       Verify availability of SQLServer 

Friday, 19 July 2013

Oracle XML: When an Oracle Database houses an XML guest

...Oracle hooks-up with XML

XML documents apart from being a datasource also serves as a structured document with a definable schema. XML, as a standard, contains textual data which can be stored in an oracle database. XML data is usually described as a Character Large Object(CLOB) since it hosts several bytes of string data in a single document or data structure.
The fact that XML is a specialised data and datasource makes it’s storage in an Oracle database demand a specific approach to  its data storage and retrieval.
An Oracle database stores XML data in either a table or a column with a specific datatype – XMLTYPE.  Such data when stored are accessed using PL/SQL functions (which are an extension of custom XMLTYPE functions and operations) and XPATH constructs.
XPATH, the XML Path Language, is a query language for selecting nodes from XML data.
Below are sampled steps used to store and retrieve XML data in an Oracle database.

1. We create a table to store all ORDER xml content within a column of a database table.
FILEID varchar2 (12),
FILENAME varchar2 (64),

2. Creation of a CLOB variable to temporary host xml data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <CustomerName>Joyce Appiah Ofori</CustomerName>
         <ItemName>Sephora Beauty Range</ItemName>
         <ItemName>Mary Kay Cosmetics</ItemName>
         <Quantity unit="12">3</Quantity>
         <ItemName>L’eggs Stockings</ItemName>

3. Storage of XML in database table within a transaction to guarantee a full export or none

 4. Fetching data from the XML table using XMLTYPE functions of PL/SQL
Example 1. Using SQL function ‘extract’  and ‘extractValue’ to display all ItemId child elements of the Order parent as a varchar2 string type.
SELECT extract (XML_DOCUMENT, '/Order/Item/ItemId /text()').getStringVal()  "ITEM_IDs"  FROM  ORDER_XML_DOC_TBL
or simply
SELECT extract (XML_DOCUMENT, '/Order//ItemId /text()').getStringVal()  "ITEM_IDs"  FROM ORDER_XML_DOC_TBL
 or using extractValue function (which needs no data conversion) with an ORDER BY clause.
SELECT extractValue(XML_DOCUMENT, '/Order/Item/ItemId ')  "ITEM_IDs" FROM  ORDER_XML_DOC_TBL ORDER BY extractValue(XML_DOCUMENT, '/Order/Item/Quantity ')

Example 2. Using SQL function ‘extractValue’ to display a particular Item with Id= 579. Also introduced is the existsNode boolean function that returns 0 or 1 for either true or false.

SELECT extractValue(XML_DOCUMENT, '/Order/Item/ItemId ')  "ITEM_ID"  FROM ORDER_XML_DOC_TBL WHERE existsNode (XML_DOCUMENT, '/ Order //emp [ItemId ="579"]') =  1;

5. Reference
 Sample Order XML from Sybase Infocenter site.
 Oracle XML syntax from the Oracle Documentation site.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Oracle Database Diagnostics: About Trace and Log Files

The Oracle DBA’s swiss-knife for fixing an issue is first knowing where and how to find diagnostic information needed to trouble-shoot defects and warnings on a database and its instance.

Oracle has rightly provided a centralised means of tracking down log and trace info about all its vendor products (rdbms, app_servers etc) in a single location called the Automatic Diagnostic Repository(ADR).

a.    It is found in the diag folder of the base-location of oracle - <ORACLE_BASE>/diag.
e.g.  /home/install/Orabase/diag/rdbms/annang_db/sample_sid/trace/alert_log

b.   At the database level, the diagnostic info can be stated by displaying info from running a select statement on the dynamic performance view v$diag_info.

c.    The location of diagnostic files can be customised for an oracle database by setting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter in the parameter file (PFILE/SPFILE) usually when the database is not mounted.

d.    alert logs usually contains DDL statements, system level activities and non-standard parameters configured or modified.

Performing a Cyclic Redundancy Check Checksum on a file using Java

I want to delve on how to generate a CRC checksum (acronym for SUMmation CHECK) for  textual/binary data using the Java programming language.

This is achieved using the Checksum class and its derivative/child class CRC32. As a programming best practice, a subroutine/function (called method in Java) is created and invoked at a point real data is passed unto it as a parameter. 

Purpose: This enables one to use a string token to verify if a file has been compromised or not. This is done by a sending point generating a token (programmatically or other) on the file in transit and the receiving point regenerating a token for comparison to ascertain the authenticity of a file.

a. Generating CRC checksum programmatically 
snippet 1.0: Java code snippet to generate checksum on a file labelled data.avi.

public class TestChecksum {
                 //catch exceptions if neccessary
public static long performChecksum(Object data) {
Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
//build checksum
checksum.update(data.getBytes(), 0,
//produce and return checksum token.
return checksum.getValue();

             //catch exceptions if neccessary
public static void main(String[] args){
//input data here: txt, avi, doc etc
Object data = new File (‘data.avi);
//Invoke instance method performChecksum here
new TestChecksum().performChecksum(data);


b. Generating CRC checksum from Linux to ascertain the authenticity of a file 
This is achieved by using the cksum command on Linux to generate a checksum to compare to a previous token.

fig. 1.0: command line code to generate the checksum and data byte size.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Joseph Annang Sowah : An Introductory Blog Post

Hi peeps,
My Ghanaian parents gave me the moniker Joseph Annang Sowah.

With this first posting on this blog I welcome you- my cherished guests-to peruse through my technical insights and also stop by to pickup some few crumbs of my thoughts(quotes) concerning life and more.

Technical: Focus would be on Open-Source, IBM & Oracle technologies interspersed with an accidental :)  exposure to the Microsoft stack of technologies.

Life: A few quotes and life experiences.
Also have a quick look at some of my quotes on Quotesdaddy.com

I am a proud Associate Member of the Free Software Foundation(#12420) in pursuance of my passion for Free and Open Source Software and Technologies.